Sunday, November 29, 2009

God of this City

Praise Reports from my hometown of Elmira New York:
Churches are one fire for God and His Holy Spirit.
My Mother started to attend Saturday evening church.
My Father confessed his belief in Jesus Christ.
My 25 year old cousin was baptized last Sunday and is a beautiful worshiper.
Her three daughters are learning what it is to love the Lord.
There will be an annual 'Hope of Christmas' where both churches I attended stated:
"To bring Jesus fame, not our Church"

I know this may seem snooty, selfish, or whatever... but I forgot that God was moving in Elmira.
I look around and see so much destitute and I figure since I did not know God in Elmira... He must not be there? That sounds wrong, but sometimes I forget that God is working ALL AROUND the Globe. It is more than our church, more than our community, more than America. I admit a lot of it came out of my disbelief that He could ever save my family... again wrong I know, but when someone is so close to your heart and you know their circumstances and you know their stance on the world, it is very difficult to believe that they will ever... well... believe.

I felt like if any of that was going to happen it was going to take a lot of prayers and effort on my part. Bring this light I found into the dark darkness I left in Elmira. Silly me.. as usual. God does not need me. God is moving in my Hometown, always has been, and always will be-with or without me. And that my friends is a *beautiful* thing to be reminded of

You are the God of this City.


Kelly said...

I'm really encouraged to hear about your family members who are finding the Lord. I know exactly what you mean about thinking they would never find Him because it does seem a lot less likely when you know them so well-all their likes and dislikes of religion. I'm still holding out for all my family members. It's rough sometimes.

Christina said...

I love the "God of this City" song.

I am so glad to hear your praises, and am praising God with you!