Tuesday, October 13, 2009


today I had a really fun lunch date
today I had two meetings
and two other meetings canceled
today I learned nothing in my classes
I didn't 'feel' like praying today
today I did my hair
today I had a caramel apple spice
today I had to turn someone down
that was begging for my help

I have exactly two months from today left in Brockport

today I caught up with an old friend and promised we
would make it a weekly thing

today I felt overweight
...today seemed dull.
it lost its luster somewhere.
I wont be here in two months...
and that's all I can think about today.

today God sent me hope.
tomorrow God will be sending me to my dream job.
today I am being selfish.
I wont be here in two months...
and that's all I can think about today.

today I learned that even the strong cry in the shower.
today the thought of adult life scares me to pieces
this thought has led me to 3 nose bleeds today
I took today for granted
and I can't promise any better for the next today

I didnt know what to tell him today
I wish I could tell him tomorrow

...I have two months left

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